Feminine Empowerment Mentorship Programme

This programme is a supportive 1:1 online sanctuary where you will be guided on a transformative journey into your authentic feminine power, to reclaim your wisdom and rise from a rooted place in this new chapter of your life.

During the 1:1 feminine empowerment mentorship you will learn everything you need to create a strong connection with your body and the feminine to support you in your life, work and relationships.

Is this for you?

Do you want to develop a greater awareness of the inner seasons of your menstrual cycle on your emotional and mental life?

Are you in need of more self-compassion and self-appreciation?

Would you like to understand the science of feminine and masculine energy dynamics in order to create healthier, happier and more intimate relationships?

Do you want to learn how to apply this to reigniting your Eros and the creative-sexual spark with your partner – and yourself?

If you’re currently experiencing a disconnect with your body and need to make a change to be able to make the right choices and confidently express your own needs, this supportive programme is here to hold space for you. 

“Before Clare’s feminine empowerment course I was trying to balance family life and having little time to myself which led to stress which in turn put a strain on my relationships and my health. During the course I was able to regulate my cycle and prioritise myself more and make time for myself, which I still continue to do so I can be my best for my kids and husband. Everyone benefits, it was worth every penny.”

- Laura

You can start this journey from anywhere – no prior knowledge is required and you will be met and welcomed exactly as you are, at whatever stage you’ve reached in your life’s journey. By the end, you will possess the knowledge and self-awareness you need to move forward making confident, empowering choices in your life and relationships. 

“Clare is patient, understanding, sensitive, absolutely incredible. She has a way of really connecting with you as a person. I have never had this kind of knowledge over my own body and how it really functions. I have only just begun in my self-empowerment journey I hope in time to really flourish and live as I'm meant to be living. There are no words to express how much gratitude I feel towards Clare – she has changed my life.”

- Emma Ward

The 3 Pillars of the Feminine Empowerment Journey;

  • Learn about the inner seasons and how they can transform into four aspects of our unique feminine source power.

  • Ancient wisdom based on the natural science of magnetism between two polar energies that exist with in us, in our relationships with others and the Universal Creative Force / God

  • Throughout history our own anatomy has remained a mystery and therefore our pleasure too. Yet they are the physical representation of the power and beauty of the feminine. Let’s go on an exciting journey to demystify the power between our legs!

What you receive:  

  • Mindful Moontime Guidebook

  • 12 1:1 Zoom Live Calls, in-depth tutorials on each of the three pillars and personalised mentoring on integrating the information into your every day life as authentic embodied living knowledge

  • A copy of all tutorial materials for your reference

  • Monthly reflections and journal prompts

  • Dedicated what’s app / email access Monday- Friday 10am–3pm

“Clare is curious and bright, and deeply caring and kind and full of enthusiasm to give women back their inner joy. She has such a reverence for the stories and comments we share. I have found more compassion for myself and am remembering to include my needs in the decisions I make. I have also allowed myself to receive more help rather than struggling alone.”

- Louise Marianne

Programme Outline

Weeks 1–4: THE RECLAMATION – Rediscovering your source power

  • Find out how your hormonal cycle creates four menstrual phases and how this rhythm affects all areas of your life, including: energy levels; brain function and mental health; emotions and spiritual connection.

  • Learn how to create greater hormonal, emotional and energetic harmony within you and reclaim a connection with the sacred feminine for your empowerment and overall wellbeing. 

Weeks 5–8: THE RISING –

Reclaiming the feminine and creating empowered relationships

  • Discover the science and cosmic interplay of the feminine and masculine energies within you, your relationships and the universe.

  • Learn the key principles of empowered communication through body language, energy and expression to attract more abundance and support.

Weeks 9–12: THE OPENING –

Reclaiming your pleasure and sensuality

  • Receive the education you never had about the anatomy of your lower pelvic bowl: your vulva, pelvic floor, vagina and cervix.

  • Learn the anatomy of arousal and practise techniques (both touch and non-touch) for healing tension and numbness, and discovering your unique pleasure pathways.

Investment: £2222

Our muse for the journey….

The Empress archetype represents the creative power of the feminine. She has a gentle confident power drawn from being close to nature and working with it rather than against it. She is sensual, enjoys life and gains strength and wisdom from pleasure. Appreciating beauty in all forms comes naturally to her and she encourages us to use our senses to engage with the world. She tells us to look up and see, touch, taste, feel, and hear what’s around us. Enjoy a fine meal, use our bodies, see and create beautiful art, listen to music or birdsongs. These aren’t distractions, but pleasures that can center us and provide us with inspiration.

Art by The Muse Tarot